In Memory of Justin Cotterman | Truly A Legend

I was sitting in carline at my son’s school when my husband texted me the terrible news of Justin’s passing on Wednesday, January 29, 2020. I was so shocked and utterly speechless. I sat and cried as my brain went through one by one of all the memories I had of him. They were few and far between, unfortunately, as we weren’t close friends but friends to say the least. I first met Justin at his wedding, back when I was a wedding photographer. I had already spent some time with Alisha for her bridals, which I instantly adored her. Then low and behold we discovered that our husbands were friends from school. On the day of their wedding I walked up to Justin to introduce myself and get started with his portraits. He welcomed me with one of the biggest, most welcoming smiles I had ever seen and immediately started talking to me as if I’d known him for ages. He just had that kind of personality. The kind that made you feel at ease when you were around him, and could make you laugh instantly no matter your mood. And how he convinced ME of all people to dance at his wedding is beyond me. That is something I would have never done. Aside from my two left feet, I was there to document the day not to be apart of it. But Justin wanted EVERYONE to enjoy their wedding in celebration of him and Alisha. And the way he looked at her, I remember thinking “Now this is how every woman deserves to be looked at on their wedding day.” He was utterly in love ; They were absolutely perfect and meant for each other. I also remember how incredibly kind he was. He didn’t know me at all but he had this way about him that made you feel like you have known each other and for a lifetime. I was instantly welcomed into their circle and I had the MOST amazing time photographing their wedding and capturing the love between them. Afterwards, I kept in touch with the happy couple over the years. Occasionally, Justin would stop by to see my husband and we would talk and laugh about the silliest things. Later, when they were expecting their sweet Olivia Rae, I was asked to take their maternity pictures. I was so ecstatic for them! I knew they were going to make incredible parents. And the love Justin had to share, who better deserving than his two beautiful girls. During the maternity session Justin was nothing but laughs, jokes and full of support helping Alisha across the field or in the various poses I had in store. Later to have heard from Alisha the tragedy of losing their baby girl shortly after their pictures was heartbreaking. I often thought about all they went through not knowing what to say or do for them, but always sent them healing thoughts and prayers. They never left my heart over these years.

Yesterday my husband and I attended Justin’s funeral . The ceremony was so beautiful; To see almost 500 people in attendance, knowing that Justin had impacted so many lives in our community was incredible. Hearing the stories that were told I quickly noticed something they all had in common, everyone talked about how kind he was. The type of person that would give the shirt off his back to someone in need. I know many more have their own “Justin story” and I’m sure Alisha and many others would love to hear them. I want to ask anyone that has one to please share them whether it be here, or on facebook/Instagram. I will also be starting a care package for Alisha, if anyone would like to contribute please feel free to email/message me. In addition to the care package I will be donating 30% of any bookings I get for the month of February to the Cotterman family. I’m not asking for you to book because of this donation but if a shoot has been on your mind just know you will also be contributing to helping a family in our community. One last request is one I’ve seen Alisha ask for, and that is for anyone who is able to please go and donate blood or plasma. I will be going this week to my nearest by blood drive; here is the link for you to find your closest one as well.


Justin your passing has left a huge hole in this community Thank you for showing us what kindness, love and compassion truly is. You will be missed, friend.
