Fall In Love With Yourself | South Carolina Boudoir

To fall in love with yourself is one of the hardest things to achieve for women. Life tends to happen around us every day and it's so easy to be caught up in the whirlwind of motherhood, marriage, work, ect. No matter the life stage you're at now, it tends to consume you until you are, well, no longer you. Looking in the mirror it's like "who is this haggard shell of me". We work so hard to keep all the relationships in our life a live that we tend to forget that one with ourselves. Women are just naturally selfless. We give so much to the loved ones in our lives, that we don't think about the love we need to give to ourselves. Instead we spend that time picking apart our lives and bodies, because we "can always do better'.

Many of my clients are just like this. These women come to me for so many various selfless reasons, but there's always that one reason to want to find themselves again that I like to focus on. Some don't even realize that they needed to rediscover their sexuality, femininity, or the love they once had for themselves until after the shoot. That moment of "holy shit, that's me!" almost always happens much to my delight.  It's in that moment when their eyes do one of two things, light up with this intense fire or well up in tears of shock, happiness, and realization that they are as beautiful as they see other women. Both reactions are purely priceless. 

Today's featured client is no different. She's a mom of two, a wife of a deployed husband, and a inspiration to others through her passion of beach body. As you can imagine she has so much on her plate, handling day to day life mostly by herself. Yet, she still finds time to inspire others just like her. She originally came to me looking to do these as an anniversary gift, but left with so much more!

Hair and makeup by Brooke Arthur of The Color Bar

Hair and makeup by Brooke Arthur of The Color Bar


"It’s an amazing experience of falling in love with yourself!"


"As women we are very judgmental of our bodies that we forget how beautiful we really are. When you are in the moment and/or see your pictures you are like wow.  You will be surprised how much doing these pictures aren’t just for your special someone but for yourself. Love yourself first!"

I am beyond honored to have helped Miss S fall in love with herself again. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU, Miss S for your amazing review, for your trust, and for choosing me. You are strong, beautiful, and a total BADASS. 

If you too need a little help "falling in love with yourself"... lets CHAT!