Are you a murderer? | South Carolina Boudoir

It’s a couple of days before my session with Mrs. E and suddenly my phone rings. I didn’t get to it in time, of course. But a voice mail pops up; “hey it’s so and so, I have a session on Sunday and I’m nervous…”(she sounds adorable by the way). She proceeds with “and my husband asked how do I know you’re not a murderer”. At this point I about fell out of my chair. I’ll be honest this was a first, but seriously I’m shocked more women doing ask this. Seeing as I have one too many horror movies under my belt, mind you I LOVE horror movies, it has resulted in a very paranoid head space. So needless to say, even though I found so much humor in this very innocent question, I totally related to her husband at that point. I have made a point in “beefing” up my website with any and every thing you could possibly think of. All the questions I have ever been asked is on my FAQ page. I got personal on my bio page because I want anyone who is interested in a boudoir shoot to feel like they know me. It’s such a personal and intimate session and there has to be a level of trust established. But even with all the information I lay out in my website, sometimes it’s a voice that you need to hear. For those who are extra nervous or you know, paranoid (points a finger at my own face) I’m more than happy to talk on the phone or hell even facetime. Even though I don’t do face to face pre-session consultations, I do establish a great level of connect and trust with my clients. So when I called Mrs. E back, we immediately connected, laughed and most importantly put her mind at ease. She had the chance to ask the last minute questions she had on her mind and we talked about other things as well like her excitement about the new house they purchased. By the end of our conversation, she was ready to do this! Most importantly, learned that No, I am not a murderer (still laughing about this)!

I was very very nervous but Tiffany made me feel at home! There were no awkward moments or points where I felt uncomfortable! Tiffany is such a pro at what she does! I have and would recommend her to all of my friends!
Actually being able to see myself for what I look like, and seeing my husbands reaction to the photos has been so liberating. Before now I was always worried that being plus size meant I wasn’t beautiful. My boudoir experience has helped me realize that being big and beautiful are two sides of the same coin.

That last comment got me. Especially after she revealed to me during her session that she had actually contacted another local boudoir photographer before me, and was DECLINED because of her size. I am still appalled, speechless, and most of all angry as hell that this incredible, beautiful woman was turned down. Which of course, I 1000% believe that photographer missed out. She/he missed out on not only knowing this sweet, vivacious woman but to have photographed her. I mean look how photogenic she is! Needless to say, I am beyond honored to have had the opportunity to not only have met her but also show her just how incredibly beautiful she is and that size should never be a factor to determine your beauty, worth, or anything really. Each and every woman is remarkable in her own unique way.

Thank you Mrs. E for having the courage not once but TWICE, and putting yourself out there once again when you contacted me. I am forever in awe of you and beyond grateful to have you as a part of the TMS family.

Are you in need of a reminder of how beautiful you are too?

Fill out the contact for below

She's got all the moves | Columbia, SC Boudoir

Today’s client feature, like all my clients, is a very special one. Mrs. B came to me ready to have a great time, and fully ready to trust me every step of the way. Not only that, she was 1000% prepared for her session, having read my VERY EXTENSIVE prep guide probably 100 times ( I kid of course, BUT you catch my drift). We talked about her ideas and what she wanted from her session. One thing that jumped out was she wanted movement. We all know I love some motion blur in an image, so I was damn near giddy when she mentioned the thought. My favorite part was after the session though. She left with a bit of pep in her step, so excited to see the outcome. As I do with all my clients, I sent her a little preview picture that day. She knew from just that ONE picture she was going to want all her images, and upgraded her package right then. This is usually inevitable, as most clients do this at their reveal.

Here’s what she has to say:


Hair and make up by Liz Yturria

I absolutely loved everything about doing this photo shoot with Tiffany! At first I was very nervous but she made me feel comfortable and confident. I love how she is very detailed oriented to every single picture (from making sure my hair was in the right place to how to hold my hands).
This isn’t something I would normally do but it was a fun time and I would totally do it again! It was perfect! I feel like I am more confident than before.

Months later I received an email after I thanked her for referring a friend to me. It was an update on how she’s been doing since the dreaded pandemic. Much like everyone else she’s been through a hell of alot since our time together, this part is not my story to tell, but her email brought so many tears to my eyes. She told me about how she revisited her images and how they reminded her of how strong of a woman she is.

I often think about how I felt when I was at my photo shoot with you.....I felt strong and empowered. I hope you realize how amazing you make people feel. I look at those pictures often and tell myself over and over that I am a strong person and I can do anything. You captured that and I am so grateful for that. I know things happen for a reason and I truly believe God put you in my life at that moment to help me remember that I am a strong, sassy, powerful woman 😊. During all of these uncertain times I feel like it is important to remind people of their greatness, and you are pretty freaking awesome!!! Can’t wait for the next session 😊

I thank you Mrs. B for such an amazing time together and for the sweet words that came later. You my friend are truly a strong, confident, beautiful woman; capable of so much! Much like the furniture you bring back to life, you are a work of art and I wish you all the best. Until next time…

Want your own session full of movement? Let’s talk!


This woman right here; this unbelievably kind, beautiful, INCREDIBLE woman had me in tears when she left the studio. Not because she was a difficult client but because her story broke my heart and I could tell how unsure she was of herself when she walked in. Her lack of confidence was unbelievable. So when she left with a bigger smile than when she came in and had a little pep in her step as she walked out and dare I say little excitement to see her images, I wept.


The day of her reveal, I’ll admit I was a bit nervous. Not that I thought I didn’t do a good job, because I knew I loved the images we created. I worried that she wasn’t going to see the same woman her husband and I see. Her husband came with her for this and as they sat down I felt a little pit in my stomach. I started the slide show and the silence was deafening. After the longest minute of my life, I heard “Are you crying?” I was so scared to turn around. As I did he asks “Are these good or bad tears?” and like a breath of fresh air I for one so desperately needed, I hear between the tears “GOOD! I just can’t believe it’s ME!” Talk about choking back some more tears, she had seen what we see.

She is beautiful, a true goddess.


In her words:

I am just a mom.

After having children, gaining a good bit of weight, and even losing the weight, I had felt like I lost a lot of self confidence and even a little of who I was. I had looked at boudoir photography before, but never felt like I had the right body type or was pretty enough to do them. I had shared my thoughts with my husband a while back. One day he decided it was a time in my life I needed to feel amazing and feel beautiful again. He found Tiffany Marie Studios through a friend and booked my session for my 39th birthday. I was so excited, but also nervous my body wasn’t good enough. Although I did work hard and lose a few pounds, I didn’t push myself any more than I would have normally. I stressed about that, but then put it behind me going into the session.
Tiffany made me feel as comfortable as possible during the entire experience as well as giving me a boost of confidence leaving the studio. Even before seeing the first photo I felt better about myself than I have in a long time. After seeing the first sneak peek photo I felt even better. Tiffany is an artist to say the least. She has a tasteful eye for this type of photography. I’m so happy I chose her for my session. If I could say to all the moms out there, especially the ones with low self esteem, whatever your shape or size, do this. I don’t think I ever felt so beautiful.

I couldn’t have said it better myself. It’s women like K that inspires me to do what I do. As a mom its hard sometimes to see our bodies go through such a transformation and then afterwards we feel for so long that we’ve lost our identity. We are the human creators, boo boo kissers, snack makers, and everything in between that our kids need from us and we gladly do it because we love them; we’d give our last breath for them. That doesn’t mean we should let it consume our entire identity, after all we are more than just moms. We are business owners, career women, philanthropist, wives, and most of all bad asses for doing it all! So start taking back your identity, I’m not saying neglect your children, but remember you’re more than mom, momma, mommy.


Men if you’re reading this too, take notice of your significant other, hear her when she’s standing in the mirror hating on her body. Give her the kind words she needs to hear, even if it’s the 1000th time you’ve said it. After all she gave birth to your mini me, crotch goblin. And if you want to talk about setting up a session for her, gift certificates are available! It’s ok to give a light push, just remember these aren’t for you but for her!

Another Year Around The Sun

Welp here we are again, my birthday. The day I use to dread just 3 years ago. Now, not so much. More like welcoming it with open arms. I’m 32 and damn proud! I used to loath getting older. Now, I get excited for the day I can yell for kids to get off my lawn and it be acceptable because I’m the wild, old lady up the road. Until, that day I plan to keep celebrating each year with some fun self portraits (yep, actually made time for it this year) and slight reflection of the years past.


Since my last birthday I have learned/done the following adult-ish things….

  1. Actually started a true skin care routine and sticking to it.

  2. Stopped giving my self permission to dress like a I don’t care JUST because I’m a mom of two and currently have a 1 year old.

  3. Started a capsule wardrobe and being more selective in what I buy (quality over quantity for now on my friends)

  4. Investing more in the friendships that matter.

  5. Started wearing less and less makeup and embracing my actual skin under it all.

  6. Decided bras really are just dumb, so I go with out 80% of the time now. F-U BRAS!

  7. Have discovered silence is sacred

  8. Learned to truly listen to my body when its screaming at me to get help and take it easy. My autoimmune helped me realize this the most. I’m listening body, I’m listening.

  9. Decided to take better care of my self and not just because fad diets tell me to.

  10. Adapted the mantra “Nobody cares, like you think they care.” Thank you Schitts Creek for that one.

Simply put, I have realized most of all age is just a number. And even though I’m 32 and don’t tend to fit in with most women my age and certainly not younger, that it really doesn’t matter. As long as I’m living my most authentic self, and continue to do what I love the most, and love those I hold closest to my heart. I have truly found my happy place. It only took me this long to find it. This is the first time I can truly say I know who I am and see clearly of what I want to accomplish in the future. I thank my clients most of all for that. Hearing each of your stories has opened my eyes in so many ways.

Thank you as always for letting me share with you bits and pieces about me over these years.

Now let’s eat some cake.

Until Next Time | South Carolina Boudoir

The first time you have a boudoir experience, it’s great, it’s fun and hella nerve wracking. Before the session you’re breaking pinterest saving any thing and everything because your MIGHT love it. You're disheveling your closet wondering what to bring, “does this fit?”, “is it cool enough?”, Is it ME?”. You may even start drafting an email to me titled I need to cancel. But then delete, then restart and delete that same email multiple times. The day comes and you have butterflies, you show up early and circle around, working up the nerves to finally park. I meet you outside with a smiling and understanding face. I know you’re most likely nervous, because everyone that walks through my doors are. We get started with your hair and makeup and I start going through the 20ish outfits you brought narrowing it down to the beloved 3. Shortly your nerves start to fade while my hair and makeup artist does her thing. We have fun, some times REAL girl talk. Sooner than you think your done and it’s time to start your shoot. Those pesky nerves reappear, DAMN IT. The moment we start shooting you’re unsure of everything, “how’s my face, my body ect.” I assure you, you’re doing great, just listen to my words. After about 5 minutes you’re suddenly sinking into poses like a natural. You don’t even realize it’s becoming easier. I tell you just wait until next time, you will be doing this like you were born to be in front of the camera.



You start to think next time? Why will there be a next time? Then you come back for your reveal and you get it. Seeing yourself suddenly in a new light and a new way. HELL YEA there WILL be a NEXT time.


The SECOND time you book…you no longer feel those first time jitters. You know what to expect. You already have an idea of what you will wear. Perhaps nothing, nothing at all. The first time you weren’t so sure. But this time why the hell not?! You come in and we start talking like long lost friends. Hair and make up is a breeze. The shoot starts and it’s so easy! You immediately start relaxing, taking deep breaths. Look a way, from the camera. Now bring your eyes back to me. I barely have to direct you as you already know what I’m about to say. You are working the camera like a model. So sure of yourself. So sure of my skill. You know we are going to create something amazing. What you don’t know until your reveal is we created something truly unforgettable. You realize you love your second shoot slightly more than your first. We did some cool new things you would have only dreamt about your first shoot. You’re already picking out your wall art because you are for sure are blowing yourself up (for lack of better words). And then you catch yourself thinking about when you come back for the THIRD time.

Tiffany is just amazing. So much more than a photographer, she is truly and artist. The session with was amazing. She allows you to forget everything going on and just focus on yourself. Learning to love every part of your body even with the tiny flaws. You will feel beautiful, sophisticated and regret not doing a session earlier!

Miss J and I have already started talking about the next time and I will be excitedly awaiting for that email when she comes back in.
